Program Partners
Albuquerque, New Mexico
With over 60 years of experience, Sandia National Laboratories is operated and managed by Sandia Corporation. As
a contractor of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Sandia National Laboratories support numerous federal, state and local government agencies, companies and organizations.
a contractor of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Sandia National Laboratories support numerous federal, state and local government agencies, companies and organizations.

Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Livermore, California
Since 1952 Lawrence Livermore National Lab internship program, Computation, offers undergraduates and graduate students an opportunity to gain research experience through a stimulating work environment that deals with real-world problems.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
New Mexico
Los Alamos National Laboratory was founded more than 60 years ago and has since hosted students at various levels of their education. This educational program is designed to complement the students’ education with work experience related to their chosen field of study.