Building Cybersecurity Pipelines in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Beyond

The Consortium Enabling Cybersecurity Opportunities & Research(CECOR) program provides opportunities for students throughout the nation. Currently, universities partnered with UVI are providing student with the chance to earn an undergraduate, graduate and Ph. D. diploma in cybersecurity.

The University of the Virgin Islands offers a set of activities throughout the year to give students an opportunity to learn about cybersecurity. Students from middle schools to high schools can take part in the CyberCamp VI summer program and the Cyber Patriot Competitions. Undergraduates, graduates and professionals can attend cybersecurity internships, workshops, forums and conferences  as well.

The CECOR initiative  engages  students interested in STEM and cybersecurity  through a strong supporting environment and affords ALL students the opportunity to become leading pioneers in STEM and cybersecurity fields.

Students are encouraged to develop computational thinking skillsand participate in coding competitions on-line: